Thursday, January 20, 2011


I love having an iphone. It's so convenient always having a camera and video handy.

Here are some random pictures of Bentley. We are having fun these days. We are in the stage where he is figuring out so much and understanding more than I probably think he is. He is so much to keep up. We have had some bumps and bruises but he is tough. I've learned not to make a big deal about it or else it just makes it worse. I must say I'm exhausted by the end of the day. I feel like a dead mommy by the time Ryan gets home from work.
Does this get any better?

Right now he can walk around the house by himself holding onto furniture. It's amazing how far he can get. He will walk on his own holding onto my left thumb but isn't quiet confident letting go yet. Recently he has taken a few steps on his own but quickly lands on his bottom! So cute! It's fun to watch him figure out new things. He gets so proud of himself. He'll look at me and started laughing sooo loud!
The new thing this week is sharing. He loves to share. He shares everything with mommy. Everything is handed to me and he waits for a "Thank you". Then of course he wants it back. It makes me smile every time.

On the other hand, dinnertime is a chore. I'm having to start to discipline and I hate it but everything goes onto the floor. Bentley likes to share his food with Love. She sits by his highchair and cleans it all up. I think it's more entertaining for Bentley to watch her eat his food. There are some nights when dinner has ended early because it's all on the floor. I hate those nights but I feel like I have to do it. Naps have been hard too. The minute I lay him down he is standing up jumping and screaming "mama." This lasts about 3o minutes. So by the time he falls asleep his 1.5 hour nap has turned into 1 hour or less. Uggg. Does this get any better?

All you mommies out there...any advice or tricks?
I'd love some!

"Mommy, here is your shoe!"

Snow day in Dallas

His new sleeping position

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