Monday, August 16, 2010

31- A

I just want to say aisle 31 seat A saved my life this weekend. Not really...I'm just being dramatic. We had our first flying experience to Kentucky on AA. All I want to say is that it was the most stressed out I've been in awhile. Flying with a baby is a complete different experience.

Checking in--the pack-in-play, the stroller, the car seat, the car seat base, Bentley's diaper bag, Bentley's food bag, mom's breast pump, dad's bag, and mommy's/baby's over night bag. Seriously, all this stuff for 2.5 days. It's nuts! We hadn't checked in yet and I wanted to just drive. Thank goodness the AA agent was nice (that was a surprise). She didn't charge us for the pack-n-play but made us pay $25 to check in my overnight bag which really was a carry-on. She said it looked too big...whatever.

Security-- Ok, so we've got the diaper bag, Bentley's food bag, mom's breast pump, dad's bag and Bentley in my arms. I just want to say I was sweating at this point. It's time for Bentley and I to go thru the metal detector. I'm sure you can guess. Yes, it went off. Why did I put overalls on B? The stupid metal suspenders set the alarm off. I'm still holding Mr. B and they put us in that clear room in the middle of the two security lines and turn on the fan or whatever they do. After we were done being wanded over I look over and all of B's stuff is everywhere. Is that necessary?!? They had to open all his formula and water to check to make sure it was safe. By the time we gathered our stuff and got to the gate I was ready to go back home.

Flight-- I guess you can say we were "that family" on the plane. It was horrible. Our flight left the same time B usually goes down for a nap. Poor little man was tired and couldn't get comfortable. He screamed and screamed and screamed. At one point Ryan looked at me and said we are never doing this again. Thinking back it makes me laugh. The flight was 1 hour and 45 minutes and it seemed like eternity. I couldn't get him to calm down so I was brave enough to get up and walk with him. I felt a million eyes on me. I felt so bad for everyone I couldn't even make eye contact. We started walking to the very back towards the bathrooms. He started calming down. I needed to find a seat fast. Thankfully it wasn't a full flight. Aisle 31 Seat A was open and we sat down. I popped in the paci and thru this blankie over his face and he was out. Guess where 31-A is located? The engine. It was so loud the noise put him to sleep. Who wants to sit by the engine?? WE DO! :)
He slept the second half of the trip. When we arrived he was a happy boy and everyone was thrilled to see us. All I could think was "crap" we have to do this again.

Thankfully, we knew what to do on the way back. We gate checked the car seat and stroller so I didn't have to carry him the whole time, he wore a cotton onesie so we didn't set off the alarm, and we made sure we were sitting next to the engine! Ryan and I didn't talk to each other the whole flight because you couldn't hear one another but Mr. B was in my arms asleep the whole time. That was all that mattered!

I feel like we are Pros now traveling with a baby.
Bentley has made it thru his first road trip to Colorado and plane ride to Kentucky.
All I can say is that I'm very happy to be home!


  1. Oh girl I know!! Every trip is a different experience but it does get easier. Well... easier in some ways and harder in some. ;o)

    Glad ya'll are home. We missed you!

  2. Daniel, i'm hyperventilating over here!!! in 4 wknds the four of us were sps'd to jump on a plane (boys will be almost 5 mths at that point) on a FOUR hour flight....i say sps'd to b/c as of yesterday we made arrangements to have the g-parents watch them....i can't even imagine. my boys don't even leave this house, how the heck were they going to be 'ok' on a 4 hour flight....oh wow, i am getting high blood pressure just thinking about it!!! thank goodness for some brave g-parents to watch 2 babies for us!!! will i ever get brave??? i'm not sure.
    glad you made it and are home safe-n-sound!!!
