Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is it February yet?

I'm ready to meet this little bundle of joy! Every night I say a prayer for this baby and just hope one day I'll be the mommy my mom was to me. Right now it's quite overwhelming to think in 6 months I get to bring a miracle into this world.

But as of now we are both healthy and doing great! Since I haven't talked to some of you in awhile here is a brief update. I'm 15 weeks and currently the baby is a size of an orange. I'm feeling much better and starting to get my energy back. I think I've hit the "nesting stage" because I've been organizing everything. From the kitchen cabinets, to the laundry room, to all the closets, and now cleaning out the longhorn room. Ryan probably thinks I'm going crazy but I just keep saying "it's hormones, I can't explain." As for food, I haven't had many cravings. It's been more of a chore to eat just because everything still makes me sick other than vegetables and milkshakes. Ryan makes me either a strawberry or chocolate milkshake every night...yum!

Boy or Girl? We find out the sex on October 5th, my birthday! I thought that would be a perfect birthday gift. And yes we already have names too. If it's a boy it's Bentley Michael. Bentley named after Ryan's Grandpa and Michael is Ryan's middle name and my dad's first name. If it's a girl it's Anabelle Marie. Anabelle is a name I love and Marie is my middle name. Surprisingly, these names came easy to agree on. I think just because they are perfect for us!

Last Thursday I felt the baby kick for the first time. That was the most amazing feeling. When I went to the doctor for my 12 week visit he told me that I would probably start feeling the baby sooner than most just because the way my placenta was positioned but I was not expecting that! It happened soon after I finished off a salty bag of potato chips. So of course the next day I had to have another bag and it happened again. Since then the baby has been kicking mainly before lunch time and bed time.

Next week I go back to the doctor for another sonogram, a check-up and another round of blood work. So I will keep you all posted. But until then enjoy the sonogram pictures I posted.

Hope this brings you up to speed....Love to all! :)


  1. yay baby long!! so excited to have regular updates now! your food habits are MUCH better than mine. i can't get anywhere near vegetables!!! love you mama!

  2. What a beautiful blog! I'm so excited for Baby Long!:)
