You are probably wondering how we found out before October 5th. Well, I had my 16 week appointment on Friday afternoon. Teresa, my nurse, called and said that Dr. Robins had scheduled a sonogram to check the progress of my placenta. We were excited to get a sneak peek of the baby. She said that I was far enough along that we could possibly find out the sex but it just depended on the position of the baby. So all week Ryan and I knew that there was a possibility but we didn't share with anyone just in case it didn't work out.
That wasn't the case at all. Bentley Michael was very proud of showing off his little pee-pee to his parents. As soon as we started the sonogram I spotted it right away. I immediately asked the nurse if it was a penis and she proceeded to zoom in. That is when she confirmed I was correct and announced it was a BOY! At that moment Ryan's face dropped, he buried his face in his hands and tears of joy started streaming down his face. It was a very emotional moment for all of us. After she confirmed it was 100% a boy I was ready to move on from his private parts and check out his face. Apparently Bentley wasn't ready for that. Every good picture we got he would find a way to flip over and show us his pee-pee. Janet laughed and said "I just think he wants to make it clear to you that he is a boy." It was hilarious! Bentley Michael already showing off?!?
I guess we all know he definitely is a Long baby.
We are both healthy and doing well! Bentley is already 7 inches long and his little heart rate is 154 and strong! As some of you might know I had spotting in my 11th week due to placenta previa. Well, it has completely moved from my cervix and I am free to start exercising! I have gained 1 pound in the past 4 weeks. My appetite is picking up so I'm sure I'll be packing the pounds on soon. I have a small baby bump now but I'll post some pictures of myself in a couple of weeks when I start to show more. Overall, it was a great appointment for all of us!
Ryan and I are so excited to announce our little precious jewel, Bentley Michael! We feel so honored and blessed to have a healthy baby boy but know this is truly a gift from our God.
So excited for you and Ryan!