Sunday, August 14, 2011

trip to vail

bentley and i packed up and headed to vail for a last minute 10 day trip.
last minute i mean... decided 5 days before we left. 
the 110 degree heat was unbearable and keeping a high energy toddler housebound is torture (for us both). 
it all started with my sister over bringing the idea up, we approved it by Ryan, booked our flights the next day, and three days later we were on AA landing in Vail enjoying 65 degree weather!

i must say those spontaneous trips are always the best!
unfortunately, ryan had a lot going on at work and couldn't get away but my mom spent the first 4 days with us and was a huge help.  we spent everyday outside... it was amazing!

it was hard leaving Vail but felt blessed we could get away for awhile!
i hadn't seen bentley that happy in a longggg time! 

hope you enjoy our pictures!

1 comment:

  1. looks like fun, friend! glad B enjoyed himself and his mickey at the dinner {or was it breakfast?!} table. =)
