Thursday, November 11, 2010

Feliz Cumpleanos!

Happy 9 months to my lil man!
Lulu, our housekeeper, sang happy birthday in Spanish and Bentley loved it!

We had our 9 month doctors appointment this morning and it went well, even the shots!
Bentley is 30 inches long (90th percentile) and 21.12 lbs (75th percentile).
Of course the shots are the most dreaded part but Bentley hardly cried. I was so proud.
Dr. Neely gave us a great report and I got some good tips for moving into the next stage.

Can you believe Bentley has 8 teeth?!? Not a joke!
(He laughs when I brush his must tickle).
By the time he turns one he is going to have a mouth full.
This stage is so much fun! Everyday is a blast!
I love my job! I feel so lucky to be able to stay at home and witness him grow up.
(Actually, the last few weeks when he was sick and I was sleep deprived it was hard.)

I must say that he has turned into a Wiggle Worm.
There isn't much cuddling happening in our house anymore. :(
It seems like yesterday I was laying on my couch while he was napping in my arms.
Now he basically wants to do a back flip out of my arms to get on the floor to play.
9 months sure does go by fast.

I hope everyone has stayed well. Our shop has been closed the past month.
The Long's have been MIA and that's because of nasty germs.
It all started the first week of October. We came home from Vegas and Bentley had a cold. The following week he caught a nasty virus that included diarrhea and projectile vomiting. Two days later I caught it and 2 days after that my mom caught it. Last week we made our 3rd and final trip to the doctor to find out that Bentley caught Strep Throat. Seriously?!? I thought I was going to pull my hair out. During all this chaos we were off our routine and the nights were extremely long. This week has been a good week though. We are finally back onto our schedule and we are feeling back to normal. Who knows where he caught all this...Tuesdays at Gymboree, Wednesdays at Church, or Thursdays at Playgroup?? Oh well...I guess he is just building his immunity. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

I got back from the Dermatologist to find that the cyst on my back was infected and they had to immediately cut it out and put me on antibiotics. So I'm really tired and going to bed now. I didn't want to end the day without saying "Happy Birthday" to my love. I'll write more later.

Ok that's all now... Goodbye!

Excuse the diaper, I was letting his thighs air out from the shots.

Yes, he is already wearing Christmas pj's

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