Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2 Months

We made it to the two month mark and it's amazing to see how much Bentley has changed from 2 weeks to 2 months. He is so much fun with his big smiles and coos and goos.

He had his two month doctor's appointment yesterday and we got a A+.
Bentley is weighing 10lbs 14ounces and close to 23 inches long. Yay!
Our doctor was so impressed he was already sleeping through the night, he told me not to change a thing. So we will continue to do what we are doing...routine!
Eventhough we had a great report he had to get the dreaded 2 month shots. I think I was more scared than he was or at least that is what Ryan said. It brought tears to my eyes when Bentley started crying. It's the type of cry when it becomes quiet and then seconds later is the loud break through. Oh I hate those cries. It breaks my heart everytime I hear them. Anyways, he is better now. He had a fever last night and this morning but he's doing better.
I had a SUPER fabulous weekend!
I have the best husband and best girlfriends!!!! My husband watched Bentley so I could go to the lakehouse with my girlfriends to celebrate my friend Ashley. Eventhough it was hard leaving Bentley I knew I needed to do it. I got to spend Saturday and Saturday night hanging out, laying out, laughing, relaxing and being loved on by my friends. It was a blast. I came back refreshed and felt like a new mommy! And I couldn't have done that without my awesome husband. He did great with Bentley and took over like a champ. Thank you!!!!


  1. Thanks for chatting with me today - i really needed that! I hope and pray that we are as successful as you have been with everything...and as persevering as you have been!!! You're an AWESOME mommy!!! Can't wait for play dates in the near future!!!

  2. Ummm...he's getting so big! I need to see himm! He's gonna grow up before my eyes!:)
